Dimitry Leites - Publications

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Soviet Mathematical Encyclopedia, in 5 volumes, Moscow, 1985 (in Russian). English translation with commentaries: Kluwer, 1992.

  [1] Character formula
  [2] Super-group
  [3] Super-manifold
  [4] Super-space
  [5] Superalgebra

Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry and Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics (ed. S. Duplij, W. Siegel, J. Bagger), Kluwer, 2003.

  [6] Symmetries wider than supersymmetry. Towards noncommutative and nonholonomic geometry
  [7] Affine Kac-Moody superalgebra   See also [96], [97], [98].
  [8] Berezin, Felix Alexandrovich   See also [E3].
  [9] Character formula
[10] Classical Lie superalgebra
[11] Exceptional superalgebra
[12] Homological vector field
[13] Jordan algebra
[14] Lie superalgebra \(\rm{gl}(\infty |\infty )\)
[15] Lie superalgebra \(\rm{gl}(\lambda)\)
[16] Natural operation
[17] Orientation of supermanifold
[18] Quantum Weil algebra, history
[19] Spinor-oscillator representation
[20] Stringy superalgebra
[21] Super Brauer group
[22] Supercomplexification
[23] Superschwarzian
[24] Supersymplectic structure
[25] Supertime
[26] Supertrace
[27] Unitary structure

Last modified: Sat Jan 18 07:27:32 BRST 2014