[Books and chapters in books]
[Books edited]
[Books translated]
[Encyclopedia entries]
[Workouts of SoS]
[T1] Wu-Yi Hsiang,
Cohomology theory of topological transformation groups,
Translated from the English into Russian. With a preface by A.L. Onishchik.
Mir, Moscow, 1979, 243 pp. MR 83k:57029
[T2] Group theoretical methods in physics. Vol. I, II.
Edited by M.A. Markov, V.I. Manko and V.V. Dodonov.
Proceedings of the third Yurmala seminar. VNU Science Press, Utrecht, 1986,
x+706 pp., x+661 pp. MR 88i:81005 MR 88i:81006
[T3] A.T. Fomenko, Differential geometry and topology.
Contemporary Soviet Mathematics. Consultants Bureau, New York, 1987, xiv+323 pp.
MR 89b:58003
[T4] M. Vishik and A. Fursikov,
Mathematical problems of statistical hydromechanics,
Mathematics and its Applications (Soviet Series), 9. Kluwer, 1988, 576 pp.
MR 82g:35095
[T5] N. Bakhvalov and G. Panasenko,
Homogenisation: averaging processes in periodic media. Mathematical problems in the mechanics of composite materials.
Mathematics and its Applications (Soviet Series), 36. Kluwer, 1989, xxvi+366 pp.
MR 92d:73002
[T6] A. Onishchik and E. Vinberg,
Lie groups and algebraic groups.
Translated from the Russian and with a preface by D. Leites.
Springer Series in Soviet Mathematics. Springer, 1990, xx+328 pp.
MR 91g:22001
Russian original: A seminar on Lie groups and algebraic groups,
Nauka, Moscow, 1988. MR 92i:22014
[T7] V. Bogaevski and A. Povzner,
Algebraic methods in nonlinear perturbation theory.
Applied Mathematical Sciences, 88. Springer, 1991, xii+265 pp.
MR 92j:34002
F. Berezin and M. Shubin, The Schrödinger equation.
Translated from the 1983 Russian edition by
Yu. Rajabov, D. Leites and N.A. Sakharova and revised by M. Shubin.
With contributions by G.L. Litvinov and D. Leites.
Mathematics and its Applications (Soviet Series), 66. Kluwer, 1991,
xviii+555 pp. MR 93i:81001
[T9] A. Leznov and M. Saveliev,
Group-theoretical methods for integration of nonlinear dynamical systems,
Translated from the Russian and revised by D. Leites.
Progress in Physics, 15. Birkhäuser, 1992,
xviii+290 pp. MR 93d:58194
[T10] V. Prasolov, Problems and theorems in linear algebra,
Translations of Mathematical Monographs, 134. American Mathematical Society, 1994,
xviii+225 pp. MR 95h:15002
[T11] V. Prasolov and Yu. Soloviev,
Elliptic functions and elliptic integrals.
Translations of Mathematical Monographs, 170. American Mathematical Society, 1997,
x+185 pp. MR 98k:14064
[T12] V. Prasolov, Polynomials,
Springer, 2004,
viii+301 pp. MR 2005f:12001
[T13] Moscow Mathematical Olympiads 1993-1999.
Compilation and solutions by
R. Fedorov, A. Kanel-Belov, S. Kovaldzhi, I. Yashchenko.
Translated by V. Dubrovsky and D. Leites.
American Mathematical Society, 2011,
x+220 pp. MR 2012k:00001
[T14] M. Shubin, Invitation to Partial Differential Equations, ca
360 pp. To be published by American Mathematical Society.
In preparation, available in a preliminary form.
Last modified: Sat Jan 18 07:25:46 BRST 2014