Dimitry Leites - Workouts of SoS, 1977-2003
[Books and chapters in books]
[Books edited]
[Books translated]
[Encyclopedia entries]
[Workouts of SoS]
Here is the list of workouts of Seminar on Supermanifolds (later
renamed, more appropriately, Seminar on Supersymmetries) or SoS
during 1977-2003 and preprinted in
Reports of the Department of Mathematics,
Stockholm University, Sweden.
The number N/year-n denotes SoS-preprint N published in year indicated as
n-th report of the Department. Titles of several preprints differ from those of
published vershions; we provide with the published one.
Some results have, at least apparently, nothing to do with
supersymmetry and were preprinted here at the pre-glasnost time,
when some Soviet authors found it difficult or impossible to get
an official permission to publish their paper but were willing to
take a risk and preprint their result "illegally" but in English.
Label s marking a contribution means
"to be superized".
Preface. Tentative table of contents.
D. Leites, Selected problems of supermanifold theory, 1-21.
T. Khovanova,
Lie superalgebra structure on eigenfunctions, and jets of the resolvent's kernel
near the diagonal of an \(n\)th order ordinary differential operator, 22-39.
A. Radul, Superstring Schwarz derivative and the Bott cocycle, 48-57.
T. Khovanova,
Korteweg-de Vries superequation related to the Lie superalgebra of
Neveu-Schwarz-2 string theory, 58-73.
V. Sokolov,
Finite-dimensional subalgebras in \(K(3|0)\) and evolutionary equations, 74-89.
J. Bernstein and O. Schwarzman,
Complex crystallographic Coxeter groups and affine root systems;
id., Chevalley's theorem for the complex crystallographic groups, 66 pp.
J. Bernstein and
S. Gindikin,
Four papers on integral geometry and Einstein equations, 61 pp.
V. Drinfeld, Quantum groups, 1-32.
D. Gurevich,
Quantum Yang-Baxter equation and a generalization of the formal Lie theory,
For a bit shorter version, see:
The Yang-Baxter equation and the generalization of formal Lie theory,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 288 (1986), no.4, 797-801 (in Russian);
English translation: Soviet Math. Doklady 33 (1986), no.3, 758-762.
MR 88b:58066
B. Feigin and D. Fuchs, Representations of Virasoro algebra, 70 pp.
Published in:
Representation of Lie groups and Related Topics
(ed. A.M. Vershik and D.P. Zhelobenko),
Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, 7, Gordon and Breach, 1990,
465-554. MR 92f:17034
B. Feigin and E. Frenkel, Semi-infinite Weil complex and the Virasoro algebra,
Comm. Math. Phys. 137 (1991), no.3, 617-639;
Erratum: 147 (1992), no.3, 647-648.
MR 92h:17028
M. Antonets and A. Tsvetkov,
Algebras of random variables and their representations, 27 pp.
Published in:
- Selecta Math. Soviet. 8 (1989), no.3, 271-289. MR 91a:28010
S. Merkulov, Superconformal invariance of \(N=1\) supersymmetric theories, 20 pp.
J. Donin,
Skew diagrams and decomposition into irreducible components of the exterior and
symmetric powers of the adjoint representations of \(GL(n)\) and \(GL(p|q)\), 1-38.
Partly published in:
Decompositions of tensor products of representations of a symmetric group and
of symmetric and exterior powers of the adjoint representation of
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 303 (1988), no.6, 1296-1301 (in Russian);
English translation: Soviet Math. Dokl. 38 (1989), no.3, 654-658.
MR 91b:17007
Decomposition of symmetric and exterior powers of the coadjoint representation
of \(\mathfrak{gl}(n)\) in the unstable case,
Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 26 (1992), no.4, 70-73
(in Russian); English translation:
Funct. Anal. Appl. 26 (1992), no.4, 287-289.
MR 94c:17014
P. Grozman,
On bilinear covariant differential operators acting on the space of tensor
fields on a symplectic manifold, 39-44.
A. Onishchik,
The action of Lie superalgebras of Cartan type on some split supermanifolds,
Published in:
Actions of Cartan-like Lie superalgebras on some supermanifolds,
Problems in group theory and in homological algebra, Yaroslavl State Univ.,
1989, 42-49 (in Russian). MR 91k:58007
J. Bernstein,
Two papers for pedestrians on representations of Lie algebras and Lie
superalgebras, 60 pp.
[E5] and
[E8], respectively.
J. Bernstein and
S. Gelfand,
\(\Lambda(\Theta)\)-modules and algebraic vector bundles on
\(\mathbb P(\Theta)\), 28 pp.
Partly published in:
S.I. Gelfand,
Sheaves on \(\mathbb P^n\) and problems in linear algebra, Appendix in:
C. Okonek, M. Schneider and H. Spindler,
Vector bundles on complex projective spaces,
translated from the English by V.Ya. Lin; translation edited and with a preface
by Yu.I. Manin, Mir, Moscow, 1984 (in Russian). MR 86i:14005
Two papers on differential geometry:
J. Bernstein, Admissible complexes of curves, 1-15.
A. Goncharov, Generalized conformal structures on manifolds, 16-70.
Published in:
Selecta Math. Soviet. 6 (1987), no.4, 307-340. MR 89e:53050.
Generalized-conformal structures on manifolds,
Problems in group theory and homological algebra, Yaroslavl State Univ.,
1983, 99-111 (in Russian). MR 87a:53064
Constructions of Weyl representations of some simple Lie algebras,
Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 16 (1982), no.2, 70-71 (in Russian);
English translation:
Funct. Anal. Appl. 16 (1982), no.2, 133-135.
MR 84d:22023
Infinitesimal structures related to Hermitian symmetric spaces,
Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 15 (1981), no.3, 83-84
(in Russian); English translation:
Funct. Anal. Appl. 15 (1981), no.3, 221-223.
MR 83k:32046
O. Ogievetsky, Two papers on \(K_2\)-functors for superalgebras, 30 pp.
G. Ilyuta, On monodromy groups and Dynkin diagrams, 23 pp.
The result bridges singularities and root systems over \(\mathbb Z/2\);
to understand explicit relation with superroot systems is an open problem.
M. Finkelberg, Graded algebras and Brauer groups, 30 pp.
V. Lyubashenko, Vectorsymmetries, 77 pp.
For a bit shorter version, see:
Hopf algebras and vector symmetries,
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 41 (1986), no.5, 185-186
(in Russian); English translation:
Russ. Math. Surv. 41 (1986), no.5, 153-154.
MR 88c:58007
The Berezinian in some monoidal categories,
Ukrain. Mat. Zh. 38 (1986), no.5, 588-592
(in Russian); English translation:
Ukrain. Math. J. 38 (1986), no.5, 501-505.
MR 88f:16016
I. Gelfand and Yu. Daletskii, Lie superalgebras and Hamilton operators, 26 pp.
Partly published in:
I.M. Gelfand, Yu.L. Daletskii and B.L. Tsygan,
On a variant of noncommutative differential geometry,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 308 (1989), no.6, 1293-1297 (in Russian),
English translation: Soviet Math. Dokl. 40 (1990), no.2, 422-426.
MR 91j:58015
Yu.L. Daletskii, Lie superalgebras in a Hamiltonian operator theory,
Nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics, Vol. 3,
Harwood Academic Publ., Chur, 1984, 1289-1295.
MR 87e:58066
I. Volichenko, Nonhomogeneous subalgebras of commutative superalgebras, 17 pp.
- Published as appendix in [68].
V. Ginzburg,
Twisted cotangent bundles and twisted differential operators, 11 pp.
F. Weinstein, Cohomology of braid groups, 1-20.
B. Feigin,
On cohomology of the Lie algebra of vector fields and of the current algebra,
Published in:
- Selecta Math. Soviet. 7 (1988), no.1, 49-62. MR 90c:17026
A. Onishchik, Transitive Lie superalgebras of vector fields, 1-21.
A. Serov, Vector fields on split supermanifolds, 22-81.
Partly published in:
A.L. Onishchik and A.A. Serov,
Lie superalgebras of vector fields on splittable flag supermanifolds,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 300 (1988), no.2, 284-287 (in Russian);
English translation: Soviet Math. Dokl. 37 (1988), no.3, 652-655.
MR 89i:32067
V. Serganova and A. Vaintrob,
Simple singularities of functions on supermanifolds, 59 pp.
A. Sergeev, Irreducible representations of solvable Lie superalgebras, 1-12.
V. Serganova, Automorphisms and real structures of Lie superalgebras, 13-99.
Published in:
Automorphisms of simple Lie superalgebras,
Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 48 (1984), no.3, 585-598
(in Russian); English translation:
Math. USSR-Izv. 24 (1985), no.3, 539-551.
MR 85k:17019
Outer automorphisms and real forms of Kac-Moody superalgebras,
Group theoretical methods in physics, Vol. 3,
Harwood Academic Publ., Chur, 1985, 639--642. MR 90f:17041
Classification of simple real Lie superalgebras and symmetric superspaces,
Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 17 (1983), no.3, 46-54
(in Russian); English translation:
Funct. Anal. Appl. 17 (1983), no.3, 200-207.
MR 85i:17023
Automorphisms of the Lie superalgebras of string theories,
Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 19 (1985), no.3, 75-76
(in Russian); English translation:
Funct. Anal. Appl. 19 (1985), no.3, 226-228.
MR 87c:17030.
For details of the proof, see [E7].
V. Serganova, Super Weyl groups and dominant weights, 100-132.
Used in:
G. Egorov, How to superize \(\mathfrak{gl}(\infty)\),
Topological and geometrical methods in field theory
(ed. J. Mickelsson and O. Pekonen), World Scientific, 1992, 135-146.
MR 94c:17007
Several papers on equations of mathematical physics, 76 pp.:
D. Gurevich,
Appendices to 4/1986.
Hecke symmetries and quantum determinants, 1-16.
D. Leites, Corrections to [29], 17-18.
D. Leites and E. Poletaeva,
Two remarks on Lie superalgebras of string theories, 19-22.
V. Ovsienko and O. Udalova,
Projective structures and infinite-dimensional Lie algebras associated with
a contact manifold, 23-59.
T. Khovanova and O. Udalova, Superversions of Miura transformations, 60-66.
T. Khovanova,
Sturm-Liouville operators connected with superanalogs of Virasoro algebra,
- The last two papers see in [B7].
A. Vaintrob, Deformations of complex structures on supervarieties, 144 pp.
A. Rosenberg, Almost quotient categories, sheaves and localization, 181 pp.
A. Rosenberg, Noncommutative affine semischemes and schemes, 317 pp.
Published in:
Noncommutative algebraic geometry and representations of quantized
algebras, Mathematics and its Applications, 330. Kluwer, 1995. xii+315 pp.
MR 97b:14004
Later additions:
Preprints MPIM-Bonn
I. Miklashevsky, Connections, conformal structures and Einstein equations,
31 pp.
A. Radul, Algebro-geometric solutions to the super Kadomtsev-Petviashvili
hierarchy, 1-10.
B. Bloch, Instantons and superpotential for string theory on K3-surfaces, 11-16.
V. Lychagin, V. Rubtsov and I. Chekalov,
A classification of Monge-Ampère equations, 17-69.
A. Tolpygo, Lie algebra cohomology, its weights and generating functions, 34 pp.
Textbook on supermanifolds and Lie superalgebras.
Introduction (after Manin's [E6]), 1-23.
Chapter 0. Lectures on algebraic geometry
(by/after Manin's [E6]), 24-157.
J. Bernstein, D. Leites and V. Shander, Algebra and calculus on supermanifolds,
Continuation of
30/1988 with addenda to
J. Bernstein and D. Leites,
Algebra and calculus on supermanifolds, Chapters 3-5, 1-44, 135-172.
V. Shander, Integration theory on supermanifolds, 45-131.
Addendum to 22/1988 (Tables), 173-187.
Addendum to 26/1988, 188-234.
D. Leites and I. Shchepochkina,
On classification of simple infinite dimensional Lie superalgebras of vector
fields, 235-278.
D. Leites, J.P. Serre-I.L. Kantor relations of the classical Lie superalgebras,
Published in
[51] and
I. Shchepochkina, Maximal subalgebras of classical Lie superalgebras, 1-43.
A. Sergeev,
Invariant functions and Laplace-Casimir operators on Lie superalgebras, 44-95.
Published in
[S2] and
F. Weinstein, On birational automorphisms of Severi-Brauer surfaces, 14 pp.
D. Gurevich, Algebraic aspects of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation, 1-47.
V. Serganova, Simple Volichenko algebras, 48-52.
M. Zhitomirskii,
Typical singularities of differential \(1\)-forms and Pfaffian equations, 1-285.
D. Leites and E. Poletaeva,
Analogues of the Riemannian structure on supermanifolds, 286-296.
E. Poletaeva,
Structure functions on \((2|2)\)-dimensional supermanifolds with either of the
differential forms
\(d\xi^{\frac{2\lambda -1}{1-\lambda}}((1-\lambda )dpdq + \lambda d\eta d\xi)\)
\(d\xi^{\frac{\lambda}{\lambda -2}}(dpdq + d\eta d\xi)\),
where \(\lambda \in \mathbb C\), 297-304.
Workouts of SoS preprinted at
E. Poletaeva, The analogs of Riemannian and Penrose tensor on supermanifolds,
Preprint MPIM-Bonn 2003-19;
arXiv:math/0510165, 71 pp.
D. Leites and P. Grozman,
SuperLie and problems (to be)
solved with it,
Preprint MPIM-Bonn 2003-39,
61 pp.
Somewhat belatedly we have decided
let us save trees and put preprints in arXiv only.
Last modified: Sat Jan 18 07:28:25 BRST 2014