Sadly, Erik Palmgren passed away in November 2019. An obituary can be found here, and a conference in Erik’s memory will be held on May 7–8 2020: full details. Aside from this notice, Erik’s homepage is preserved here as he left it.

Erik Palmgren's homepage

At work

I am a recruited professor of Mathematical Logic at Stockholm University. My previous affiliation was Uppsala University where I was promoted professor since 2003, and lecturer since 1997.


Research interests

My research is motivated by the constructive point of view of mathematics. This leads to studying the relation between proof and computation. Here mathematical logic has a central role to play, clarifying this relation, through proof theory and theory of computation. In particular, among my research interests are

List of publications.

Recent preprint(s):

Research group

Slides presentation of research in the Mathematical Logic Group for prospective MSc- and PhD-students The logic group at the department consists at the moment of

Former members of logic group (2012 - 2018)

Supervised PhD-students

Slides of talks

Regular courses in mathematical logic at the department

(partly outdated - see department course pages)

Irregular courses in mathematical logic and related subjects at the department

Some links

March 15, 2019, Erik Palmgren. Email: palmgren [at] math (dot) su {dot} se