The logic group at the department consists at the moment of
- Per Martin-Löf, professor (emeritus).
- Erik Palmgren, professor
- Henrik Forssell, PhD, affiliated researcher
- Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine, PhD, assistant professor in Mathematical Logic
- Anders Mörtberg, PhD, assistant professor in Computational Mathematics
- Guillaume Brunerie, Postdoc
- Jacopo Emmenegger, Postdoc Genova
- Daniel Alhsén, PhD student (main advisor : Valentin Goranko)
- Menno de Boer, PhD student (main advisor : Peter Lumsdaine)
- Johan Lindberg, PhD student
- Anna Giulia Montaruli, PhD student
- Associated researcher:
- Roussanka Loukanova, PhD, associated researcher
Former members of logic group (2012 - 2018)
Supervised PhD-students
- Jonas Eliasson until "Filosofie Licentiat" 2001. He continued to PhD with Steve Awodey and Viggo Stoltenberg as advisors.
- Johan Granström, PhD 2009 (joint with Per Martin-Löf)
- Anton Hedin, PhD 2011.
- Olov Wilander, PhD 2011.
- Christian Espindola, PhD 2016. (Henrik Forssell was assistant PhD-advisor)
- Håkon Robbestad Gylterud, PhD 2017. (Henrik Forssell was assistant PhD-advisor)
- Jacopo Emmenegger, PhD 2019.
Slides of talks
- Bishop's set theory Slides from TYPES Summer School 2005, Gothenburg.
- Slides from Tutorial at Fourth Workshop on Formal Topology, Ljubljana 15 -19 June, 2012.
- Slides from Tutorial at Conference on Constructive Mathematics: Foundations and Practice, Nis, 24 - 28 June. 2013.
- Slides from The Logic Seminar in Stockholm 18 September 2013.
- Slides from workshop on Constructive Mathematics and Models of Type Theory. I.H.P. Paris 3 June 2014. (Corrected version.)
- Slides for workshop on Type Theory and Formalization of Mathematics, Chalmers/Göteborg University, 11 December 2014.
- Slides for a talk at the Workshop on Categorical Logical and Homotopy Type Theory, Leeds 27-29 July 2016.
- Intuitionistic Ramified Type Theory,
Slides for a talk at the Logic Seminar, Department of Philosophy, Göteborg University, 24 February 2017.
- A setoid model of extensional Martin-Löf type theory in Agda,
Slides for a talk at the Stockholm Logic Seminar, January 30, 2019
Regular courses in mathematical logic at the department
(partly outdated - see department course pages)
- Logic (intermediate level) - a first course presenting the semantics and a deductive system of predicate logic, including
the completeness theorem and its consequences.
- Logic II (advanced level) - a second tier logic course including basic model theory, theory of computation and Gödel's incompleteness theorems.
- Type Theory.
- Computability and Constructive Mathematics - gives a high level introduction to
dedicability, computability and constructivity in mathematics.
- Set theory and Forcing (Advanced level)
- Metamathematics and Proof Theory, Spring 2015. (Advanced level/PhD-level.)
Irregular courses in mathematical logic and related subjects at the department
Some links
March 15, 2019, Erik Palmgren. Email: palmgren [at] math (dot) su {dot} se