Selected publications

by Jan Boman

Research papers

On the intersection of classes of infinitely differentiable functions, Ark. Mat. 5 (1964), 301-309.

Partial regularity of mappings between Euclidean spaces, Acta Math. 119 (1967), 1-25.

Differentiability of a function and of its compositions with functions of one variable, Math. Scand. 20 (1967), 249-268.

Saturation problems and distribution theory, Appendix I in "Topics in Approximation theory" by H. S. Shapiro, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, no. 187 (1971), 249-266.

Comparison theorems for generalized moduli of continuity. Vector valued measures, in "Constructive theory of functions of several variables", Lecture Notes in Mathematics no. 571 (1977), 38-52.

Equivalence of generalized moduli of continuity, Ark. Mat. 18 (1980), 73-100.

An example of non-uniqueness for a generalized Radon transform, J. d'Anal. Math. 61 (1993), 395-401.

Support theorems for real-analytic Radon transforms, Duke Math. J. 55 (1987), 943-948 (joint work with E. T. Quinto).

The sum of two plane convex $C^{\infty}$ sets is not always $C^5$, Math. Scand. 66 (1990), 216-224.

Smoothness of sums of convex sets with real analytic boundaries, Math. Scand. 66 (1990), 225-230.

Support theorems for real-analytic Radon transforms on line complexes in three-space, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 335 (1993), 877-890 (joint work with E. T. Quinto) .

On generalised Radon transforms with unknown measures, Contemp. Math. 113 (1990), 5-15.

Helgason's support theorem for Radon transforms — a new proof and a generalization, Lecture Notes in Mathematics no. 1497 (1989), 1-5. pdf file

A local vanishing theorem for distributions, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 315 Série I (1992), 1231-1234.

Holmgren's uniqueness theorem and support theorems for real analytic Radon transforms, Contemp. Math. 140 (1992), 23-30. pdf file

Microlocal quasianalyticity for distributions and ultradistributions, Publ. RIMS (Kyoto), 31 (1995), 1079-1095. pdf file

Examples of non-uniqueness for the combinatorial Radon transform modulo the symmetric group, Math. Scand. 78 (1996), 207-212 (joint work with Svante Linusson).

Finite rank singular perturbations and distributions with discontinuous test functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 126 (1998), 1673-1683 (joint work with Pavel Kurasov). pdf file

Uniqueness and non-uniqueness for microanalytic continuation of hyperfunctions, Contemp. Math. 251 (2000), 61-82. pdf file

A Payley-Wiener theorem for the analytic wave front set, Asian J. Math. 3 (1999), 757-769 (joint work with Lars Hörmander). Order reprint:

Injectivity for a weighted vectorial Radon transform, Contemp. Math. 278 (2001), 87-95. pdf file

Comments to ''Remarks on modification of Helgason's support theorem. II'' by T.Takiguchi, Proc. Japan Acad. 78 , Ser. A, No. 8 (2002), 169-171. pdf file

Symmetries of quantum graphs and the inverse scattering problem, Adv. Appl. Math. 35 (2005), 58-70 (joint work with Pavel Kurasov). pdf file

Novikov's inversion formula for the attenuated Radon transform — a new approach, J. Geom. Anal. 14 (2004), 185-198 (joint work with Jan-Olov Strömberg). pdf file

On stable inversion of the attenuated Radon transform with half data, Contemp. Math. 405 (2006), 19-26. pdf file

Plane intersections of rotational ellipsoids, Amer. Math. Monthly 113 (2006), 336-339 (joint work with Nils Abramson and Björn Bonnevier). pdf file

Support theorems for the Radon transform and Cramér-Wold theorems, J. Theor. Prob. 22 (2009), 683-710 (joint work with Filip Lindskog). pdf file

Unique continuation of microlocally analytic distributions and injectivity theorems for the ray transform, Inverse Problems and Imaging 4 (2010), 619-630. pdf file

On the modulus of continuity of mappings between Euclidean spaces (joint work with Dieudonné Agbor), Math. Scand. 112 (2013), 147-160. pdf file

Flatness of distributions vanishing on infinitely many hyperplanes, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 347 (2009), 1351-1354. pdf file

A local uniqueness theorem for weighted Radon transforms, Inverse Problems and Imaging 4 (2010), 631-637. pdf file

Local non-injectivity for weighted Radon transforms, Contemp. Math. 559 (2011), 39-47. pdf file

On local injectivity for weighted Radon transforms, in The mathematical Legacy of Leon Ehrenpreis, D. Struppa and I. Sabadini (ed.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag 2012, 45-59. pdf file

Microlocal analysis of an ultrasound transform with circular source and receiver trajectories (joint work with G. Ambartsoumian, V. P. Krishnan, and E. T. Quinto), Contemp. Math. 598 (2013), 45-58. pdf file

Other writings (in Swedish)

Matematik som poesi, Dialoger 18 - 19 (1991), 22-23. pdf file

Om matematik och kultur, Dialoger 27 - 28 (1993), 34-36. pdf file

Om den matematiska kunskapens osynlighet, bidrag till Dialogseminarium "Det matematiska kulturarvet", 2004. pdf file

Om magnetkameran, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI, Svenska matematikersamfundets medlemsutskick, februari 2005. pdf file

En refushistoria, Svenska matematikersamfundets medlemsutskick, februari 2006. pdf file

Fuglesangs skiftnyckel och Möten i rymden, Normat 55: 2 (2007), 78-84. pdf file

Mer om trianglar med given omkrets och area, Normat 55: 4 (2007), 177-180. pdf file

Datortomografins matematik. Om en matematisk teori med många nya tillämpningar, Normat 56: 4 (2008), 177-186. pdf file