Tom Britton

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This page was last updated September 16, 2024

(inverse chronological order)

M5. Britton, T. and Pardoux, E. (Eds.) (2019). Stochastic epidemic models with inference. Springer. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2255 (see also J93 below).

M4. Diekmann O., Heesterbeek, J.A.P. and Britton, T. (2013). Mathematical tools for understanding infectious disease dynamics. Princeton UP.

M3. Britton T. and Alm S E. (2008 + new print 2012): Stokastik (in Swedish, 544 pp). Liber.

M2. Britton T. and Garmo H. (2002): Sannolikhetslära och statistik för lärare (in Swedish, 398 pp). Studentlitteratur, Lund.

M1. Andersson H. and Britton T. (2000): Stochastic epidemic models and their statistical analysis. Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics, 151. Springer-Verlag, New York.


SUBMITTED TO REFEREED JOURNALS (inverse chronological order)

T Britton, F Ball. (2024). Improving the use of social contact studies in epidemic modelling. Submitted.

F Bergstrom, F Gunther, T Britton. (2024). A counterfactual analysis quantifying the COVID-19 vaccination impact in Sweden. Submitted.

F Günther, HK Brustad, A Frigessi, T Britton (2024). Quantifying the impact of social activities on SARSCoV2 transmission using Google mobility reports. Submitted. MedRxiv



J118. D Zhang, T Britton (2024+). Epidemic models with manual and digital contact tracing allowing delays. (2024). To appear in Math Biosciences. ArXiv preprint.

J117. P Gerlee, H Thoreén, A S Joöud, T Lundh, ASpreco, A Nordlund, T Brezicka, T Britton, M Kjellberg, H Kaöllberg, A Tegnell, L Brouwers, T Timpka. (2024).
The Lancet Digital Health. 6:8, E543-E544.

J116. D Zhang, T Britton (2024+). Epidemic models with digital and manual contact tracing. Conditionally accepted J. Appl. Prob..

J115. M El Khalifi, T Britton (2023). SIRS epidemics with individual heterogeneity of immunity waning. J Theor Biol.
J114. ME Khalifi, T Britton (2022). Extending SIRS epidemics to allow for gradual waning of immunity.
J Roy Soc Interface 20 (206).

J113. F Bergström, F Gunther, M Höhle, T Britton. (2022). Bayesian Nowcasting with leading indicators applied to COVID-19 fatalities in Sweden. PLoS Comp Biol, 18:12.

J112. Y Zhang, T Britton, X Zhou (2022). Monitoring real-time transmission heterogeneity from incidence data. PLoS Comp Biol, 18:12, MedRxiv

J111. Britton T and Leskelä L (2023). Optoimal intervention strategies for minimizing total incidence during an epidemic. SIAM J Appl Math, 83:354-375, ArXiv.

J110. M Favero, GS Tomba, T Britton (2022). Modelling preventive measures and their effect on generation times in emerging epidemics. J Roy Soc Interface, 19:191,

J109. D Zhang, T Britton (2022). Analysing the effect of Test-and-Trace strategy in an SIR Epidemic model. Bull Math. Biol. 84:105. ArXiv.

J108. Ball F and Britton T (2021). Epidemics on networks with preventive rewiring. Rand Str Alg. 2021:1-48.

J107. Britton T (2021). Quantifying the preventive effect of wearing face masks. Proc Roy Soc A, 477: 20210151.

J106. Britton, T, Ball F, Trapman P. (2021). The risk for a new epidemic wave - and how it depends on R0, the current immunity level and current restrictions. Royal Society Open Science.  MedRxiv. Technical report.

J105. Britton, T. (2020). Reproduktionstal, immunitet och vaccination. Svepet, 38, 4:8-9 (in Swedish, klick nr 4, 2020).

J104. Thompson R N, Hollingsworth T D, Isham V, Arribas-Bel D , Ashby B, Britton T, et al. (2020)
Key Questions for Modelling COVID-19 Exit Strategies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (biological). 287: 20201405

J103. Malmberg H. and Britton, T. (2020). Inflow restrictions can prevent epidemics when contact tracing efforts are effective but have limited capacity.
Journal Royal Society: Interface, 17:170, MedRxiv.

J102. Britton, T, Ball F, Trapman P. (2020). A mathematical model reveals the influence of population heterogeneity on herd immunityto SARS-CoV2. Science.
369 (6505), pp. 846-849.
DOI: 10.1126/science.abc6810

J101. Zhang, Y., Leitner, T., Albert, J., Britton, T. (2020). Inferring transmission heterogeneity using virus genealogies: estimation and targeted prevention PLoS Comp Biol
J100. Ronquist
, F., M. Forshage, S. Häggqvist, D. Karlsson, R. Hovmöller, J. Bergsten, K. Holston, T. Britton, J. Abenius, et al. (2018). Completing Linnaeus's inventory of the Swedish insect fauna: Only 5000 species left. PLoS One, 15(3): e0228561.

J99. Hanson, D., Strömdahl, S., Leung, K-Y., Britton, T. (2020). Introducing pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV acquisition among men who have sex with men in Sweden: insights from a mathematical pair-formation model. SubmittedBritish Medical Journal (BMJ Open), 10:2,

J98. Britton, T. Epidemic models on social networks - with inference. (2020). To appear in Statistica Neerlandica  (invited for special issue on Network modelling and analysis), 74:3, 222-241, Arxiv. Technical report. I have without success tried to publish an Errata: It is the sentence appearing just below the second displayed formula of Result 2 ("The basic ..."). It should be replaced by: "The basic reproduction number for the two models also having random global contacts is as above but adding the term 𝛽G in the Reed-Frost model and the term 𝛽G∕𝛾 in the Markov model."

J97. Britton, T. (2019). Directed preferential attachment models. J. Appl. Prob. 57(1): 122-136, . ArXiv. Technical report.

J96. Stocks, T., Martin, L., Kuhlmann-Berenzon, S, Britton, T. (2020). Dynamic modelling of hepatitis C transmission among people who inject drugs. Epidemics, 30: 100378. BioRxiv.

J95. Britton, T. (2020). Basic stochastic transmission models and their inference. In Handbook of Infectious Disease Data Analysis. CRC Press. Arxiv. Technical report.

J94. Spricer, K. and Britton, T. (2019). An epidemic model on a weighted network. Network Science,
7:556-580. Technical report.

J93. Britton, T. and Pardoux, E. (2019). Stochastic epidemics in homogeneous communities. Chapter 1 (143 pages) in Britton, T. and Pardoux, E. (Eds.). Stochastic epidemic models with inference. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2255 (see also M5 above).   ArXiv.

J92. Giardina, F., Romero-Severson E.O., Axelsson, M., Svedhem, V., Leitner T.K.,  Britton T., and  Albert J. (2019). Decreasing HIV-1 incidence and undiagnosed HIV-1 cases in Sweden based on multiple biomarker estimate of infection times. Int. J. Epid, 48: 1795-1803

J91. Britton, T., Leung, K. and Trapman, P. (2019). Who is the infector? General multi-type epidemics and real-time susceptibility processes. Adv. Appl. Prob. 51: 606-631.Arxiv. Technical report.

J90. Hansson, D., Leung, K., Britton, T. and Strömdahl, S. (2019). A dynamic network model to disentangle the roles of steady partnerships and casual contacts for HIV transmission among MSM. Epidemics, Technical report.

J89. Ball, F., Britton, T., Leung, K. and Sirl, D.  (2019). A stochastic SIR epidemic model with preventive dropping of edges. J. Math. Biol. 78:1875-1951. ArXiv.

J88. Britton, T. and Scalia Tomba G. (2019). Estimation in emerging epidemics: biases and remedies. Journal Royal Society: Interface. 16:20180670,  Arxiv.

J87. Hansson, D., Fridlund, V., Stenqvist, V., Britton, T. and Liljeros, F. (2018). Inferring individual sexual action dispositions from egocentric network data on dyadic sexual outcomes. PLoS One, 13:e0207116,  Technical report.

J86. Leung, K., Ball, F., Sirl, D. and Britton, T. (2018). Individual preventive social distancing during an epidemic may have negative population-level outcomes. Journal Royal Society: Interface, 15:20180296. Arxiv.

J85. Stocks, T., Britton, T. and Höhle, M. (2020). Model selection and parameter estimation for dynamic epidemic models via iterated filtering: application to rotavirus in Germany. Biostatistics, 21(3): 400-416. kxy057,

J84. Leung, K, Trapman, P. and Britton, T. (2018). Who is the infector? Epidemic models with symptomatic and asymptomatic cases. Math. Biosci. 301: 190-198. Arxiv.

J83. Ouedraogo, D. and Britton, T. (2017). SEIRS epidemics with disease fatalities in growing populations. Math. Biosci. 298:45-59. Arxiv.

J82. Britton, T, Deijfen, M and Lopes, F. (2018). A spatial epidemic model with site contamination. Markov proc. rel. fields, 24: 25-38Arxiv.

J81. Traoré, A. and Britton, T. (2017). A stochastic vector-borne epidemic model: quasi-stationarity and extinction.  Math. Biosci. 289: 89-95.

J80. Giardina, F., Romero-Severson E.O., Albert J.,  Britton T., and  Leitner T.K. (2017). Inference of transmission network structure from HIV phylogenetic trees. PLoS Comp Biol. 13:e1005316.

J79. Britton T., Juher, D. and Saldana, J. (2016): A network model with preventive rewiring: comparative analysis of the initial phase. Bull Math Biol. 78:2427-2454. ArXiv pdf. Technical report. Erratum: Bull Math Biol. 79:1687-1689.

J78. Ball F.G., Britton T., Trapman P. (2017): An epidemic in a dynamic population with importation of infectives. Ann. Appl. Prob. 27:242-274. ArXiv pdf. Technical report.

J77. E. Kenah, T. Britton, M. E. Halloran, and I. M. Longini, Jr. (2016). Molecular infectious disease epidemiology: Survival analysis and algorithms linking phylogenies to transmission trees. PLoS Computational Biology 12(4): e1004869ArXiv pdf.

J76. Trapman P., Ball F., Dhersin J-S, Tran V. C., Wallinga J. and Britton, T. (2016). Inferring R_0 in emerging epidemics - the effect of common population structure is small. J. of Roy. Soc Interface., 13:20160288.

J75. Britton, S. and Britton, T. (2016): Ebola - få smittade men många drabbade (in Swedish). Läkartidningen 2016;113:DUWX

J74. Spricer K. and Britton, T. (2015): The configuration model for partially directed graphs.  J. Stat. Phys. 161:965-985. ArXiv pdf.

J73. J. Malmros, N. Masuda & T. Britton (2016): Random Walks on Directed Networks: Inference and Respondent-driven Sampling. J. Official Statistics, 32:433-459. ArXiv pdf. Technical report.

J72 Britton, T. and Giardina, F. (2016): Introduction to statistical inference for infectious diseases. Journal de la Société Francaise de Statistique (special invited issue on inference for infectious diseases). 157:53-70. ArXiv pdf. Technical report.

J71 Malmros, J., Liljeros F. and Britton, T. (2015): Respondent driven sampling and an unusual epidemic.  J. Appl. Prob. 53:518-530. ArXiv pdf. Technical report.

J70 L. Matrajt, T. Britton, M. E. Halloran and I.M. Longini Jr. (2015). One versus two doses: what is the best use of vaccine in an influenza pandemic? Epidemics, 13: 17-27.

J69 Y Yang, E Kenah, L Fang, Y Zhang, E Halloran, M Ma, S Liang, T Britton, D Chao, K Liu, X Li, W Cao, Z Feng, I Longini. (2015). Household transmissibility of Avian Influenza A(H7N9) Virus, China, February to May 2013 and October 2013 to March 2014. Eurosurveillance, 20(10): 21056. Available online:

J68 Ball, F.G., Britton, T and Neal, P. (2016). On expected durations of birth-death processes, with applications to branching processes and SIS-epidemics. J. Appl. Prob53:203-215. ArXiv pdf.

J67 F.G. Ball; T. Britton; T. House; V. Isham; D. Mollison; L. Pellis; G. Scalia-Tomba. (2015). Seven challenges for metapopulation models of epidemics, including households models. Epidemics, 10: 63-67.

J66 T. Britton, T. House, A.L. Lloyd, D. Mollison, S. Riley and P.Trapman. (2015). Eight challenges for stochastic epidemic models involving global transmission. To appear in Epidemics, 10: 54-57.

J65 T. Britton and P. Trapman (2014): Stochastic epidemics in growing populations. Bull Math Biol. 76:985-996. ArXiv pdf. Technical report.

J64. J.E. Björnberg, T. Britton, E.I. Broman and E. Nathan (2014): A stochastic model for virus growth in a cell population. J. Appl. Prob, 51: 599-612.

J63. T. Britton and P. Trapman (2014): Inferring global network properties from egocentric data with applications to epidemics. Math. Med. Biol. 32: 101-114. ArXiv pdf. Technical report

J62. X. Lu; J. Malmros; F. Liljeros; T. Britton (2013): Respondent-driven Sampling on Directed Networks. Electr. J. Stat.  7: 292-322.

J61. F. Ball, T Britton and Dave Sirl. (2013) A network with tunable clustering, degree correlation and degree distribution, and an epidemic thereon. J. Math. Biol. 66:979-1019. ArXiv pdf, Technical report.

J60 T. Britton and P. Trapman: Maximizing the size of the giant. (2012). J. Appl. Prob.  49:1156-1165. ArXiv pdf.

J59 T. Britton and D. Lindenstrand: Inhomogeneous epidemics on weighted networks. (2012).  Math. Biosci. 240:124-131. ArXiv pdf.

J58 T. Britton, M. Deijfen and F. Liljeros. (2011): A weighted configuration model and inhomogeneous epidemics. J. Stat. Phys. 145:1368-1384. ArXiv pdf.

J57. T. Britton, M. Lindholm and T. Turova. (2011). A dynamic network in a dynamic population: asymptotic properties.  J. Appl. Prob. 48: 1163-1178.   ArXiv pdf.

J56. S. Höhna, T. Stadler, F. Ronquist & T. Britton. (2011). Inferring speciation and extinction rates under different species sampling schemes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 28:2577-2589.

J55. X. Lu, L. Bengtsson, T. Britton, M. Camitz, B Kim, A. Thorson &  F Liljeros. (2012): The sensitivity of respondent-driven sampling method. J. Roy. Stat. Soc, Ser A. 175: 191–216.

J54. Britton, T. Kypraios T. and O'Neill P.D. (2011), Statistical models for epidemic models with three levels of mixing. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 38:578-599.  ArXiv pdf.

J53. Linder, M., Britton, T., Sennblad, B.: Evaluation of Bayesian Models of Substitution Rate Evolution -- Parental guidance vs. Mutual Independence. (2011). Systematic Biology, 60: 1-14.

J52. Ball, F., Britton, T. and Sirl, D. (2011). Household epidemic models with varying infection response. J. Math. Biol. 63:309-337. pdf

J51. Britton, T. and Lindholm, M.: Dynamic random networks in dynamic populations. (2010) J. Stat. Phys. 139: 518-535.  preprint

J50. Britton, T.: Stochastic epidemic models: a survey. (2010) Math. Biosci, 225, 24-35. Pdf. ArXiv pdf. The paper conntains an error, see Errata.

J49. Britton, T and Neal, P.: The time to extinction for an SIS-household-epidemic model. (2010)  J. Math. Biol., 61, 763-769. ArXiv pdf.

J48. Arner, E., Westermark, P.O., Spalding, K.L., Britton, T, Dahlman, I., Jiao, H., Wahrenberg, H., Leijonhufvud, B-M., Hertel, K.,  Löfgren, P., Frisén, J.,  Bernard, S., Arner, P. (2010): Adipose Tissue Cellularity Determines a Cardiovascular Risk Profile Which Is Independent of Obesity. Diabetes., 59(1), 105-9.

J47. Britton, T. and Lindenstrand, D. (2009): Epidemic modelling: aspects where stochasticity matters. Math. Biosci., 22, 109-116. ArXiv pdf.

J46. Britton, T. and Lindholm, M. (2009): The early stage behaviour of a stochastic SIR epidemic with term-time forcing.  J. Appl. Prob., 46, 975-992. pdf. The paper contains an error which is published as Errata in the same journal: (2015: 52:1202-1203).

J45. Nyimvua S., Andersson M., Svensson Å. and Britton T. (2009): Modelling household epidemics and early stage vaccination. Biometrical Journal, 51, 408-419. Pdf.

J44. Ball F.G. and Britton, T. (2009): An epidemic model with infector and exposure dependent severity. Math. Biosci., 218, 105-120. Pdf.

J43. Nyimvua S., Andersson M., Svensson Å. and Britton T. (2009): Networks and early stage vaccination: the effects of infectious and vaccination delay periods and their randomness. East Afr. J. of Stat., 3, 7-12. Pdf.

J42. Nyimvua S., Andersson M., Svensson Å. and  Britton T. (2008): Networks, epidemics and vaccination through contact tracing. Math. Biosci., 216, 1-8. Pdf.

J41. Rydén M., Agustsson T., Laurencikiene J., Britton, T.,  Sjölin, E., Isaksson, B.,  Permert J., Arner P. (2008): No Major Role for Adipose Tissue Inflammation, Fat Cell Death or Reduced Lipogenesis in Cancer Cachexia. Cancer, 113, 1695-1704.

J40. Britton T., Deijfen, M., Lindholm, M. and Nordvall Lagerås, A. (2008): Epidemics on random graphs with tunable clustering.  J. Appl. Prob., 45, 743-756. ArXiv pdf.

J39. Spalding K., Arner E., Westermark P., Bernard S., Bergman O., Buchholz B.A., Blomqvist L., Hoffstedt J., Näslund E., Britton T., Concha H., Hassan M., Rydén M., Frisén J., Arner P. (2008): Dynamics of fat cells turnover in humans. Nature, 453, 783-7 (doi:10.1038/nature06902).

J38. Svennblad, B. and Britton, T. (2007): Improving divergence time estimation in phylogenetics: more taxa vs. longer sequences. Stat. Appl. Gen. Mol. Biol., 6, Iss. 1, Article 35. Preprint.

J37.  Britton, T., Janson, S., Martin-Löf A. (2007): Graphs with specified degree distributions, simple epidemics and local vacination strategies. Adv. Appl. Prob., 39, 922-948. ArXiv pdf.

J36. Britton T., Svennblad, B., Erixon, P. and
Oxelman, B. (2007):  Bayesian support is larger than bootstrap
support in phylogenetic inference: a mathematical argument. Math. Med. Biol. doi: 10.1093/imammb/dqm008. Preprint.

J35. Ball F.G.and Britton, T. (2007): An epidemic model with infector-dependent severity.  Adv. Appl. Prob., 39, 949-972. Pdf.

J34. Britton T., Nordvik, M.K., and Liljeros, F. (2007): Modelling sexually transmitted infections: the effect of
partnership activity and number of partners on R_0Theor Pop Biol., 72, 389-399. Pdf.

J33. Britton, T., Anderson, C., Jacquet, D., Lundqvist, S. and Bremer K. (2007): Estimating divergence times in large phylogenetic trees. Systematic Biology, 56:741-752. Pdf.

J32. Lindholm, M. and Britton, T. (2007):  Endemic persistence or disease extinction: the effect of population separation into subcommunities. Theor. pop. biol., 72: 253-263. Pdf.

J31.  Ericson, P.P.G., Andersson, C.L., Britton T., Elzanowski, A., Johansson, U.S., Källersjö, M.,
Ohlson, J.I., Pahrsons, T.J., Zuccon, D., and Mayr, G. (2006): Diversification of Neoaves: integration of molecular sequence data and fossils.  Biology letters, 2:543-547 (+supplementary material).

J30. Britton T., Deijfen M., Martin-Löf A. (2006): Generating random graphs with prescribed degree distribution. J. Stat. Phys., 124, 1377-1397. Pdf.

J29. Svennblad B., Erixon P., Oxelman B., Britton T. (2006): Fundamental differences between maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference in phylogenetics. Systematic Biology, 55, 116-121. Pdf.

J28. Ball F.G.and Britton T. (2005): An epidemic model with exposure-dependent severities. J. Appl. Prob., 42, 932-949. Pdf.

J27. Becker N.G., Britton T. and O'Neill
P.D. (2006): Estimating vaccine effects from studies of outbreaks in household pairs. Statistics in Medicine, 25, 1079-1093. Pdf.

J26. Britton T. (2005): Estimating divergence times in phylogenetic trees without a molecular clock. Systematic Biology, 54, 500-507. Pdf.

J25. Lönnstedt I., Britton T. (2005): Hierarchical Bayes models for cDNA microarray gene expression. Biostatistics, 6, 279-291. Pdf.

J24. Ball F.G., Britton T. and Lyne O. (2004): Stochastic multitype epidemics in a community of households: estimation and form of optimal vaccination schemes. Math. Biosci., 191, 19-40. Pdf.

J23. Becker N.G.,Britton T. (2004): Estimating vaccine efficacy from small outbreaks. Biometrika, 91, 363-382. Pdf.

J22. Ronquist F., Huelsenbeck J. P., and  Britton T. (2004). Phylogenetic supertrees. Springer series in Computational Biology, vol 4, Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R.P. (Ed.). 

J21. Erixon P., Svennblad B., Britton T. and Oxelman B. (2003): The reliability of Bayesian posterior probabilities and bootstrap frequencies in phylogenetics. Systematic Biology, 52, 665-674. Pdf.

J20. Ball F.G., Britton T. and Lyne O. (2004): Stochastic multitype epidemics in a community of households: estimation of threshold parameter R_* and secure vaccination coverage.  Biometrika, 91, 345-362. Pdf.

J19. Britton T. (2004): Epidemic models, inference (1667-1671). In  Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, 2 nd ed. P. Armitage and T. Colton (eds.), Wiley, London.

J18. Becker N.G., Britton T. and O'Neill P.D. (2003): Estimating vaccine effects on transmission of infection from household outbreak data. Biometrics, 59, 467-475. Pdf.

J17. Britton, T. (2008): Pest kolera och matematik eller Vad kan matematik och statistik lära oss om smittsamma sjukdomars utbredning? (One chapter in Människor och matematik, a book popularising mathematics.)

J16. Britton, T., Oxelman B., Vinnersten A. and Bremer K. (2002): Phylogenetic dating with confidence intervals using mean path-lenghts. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 24, 58-65. Pdf.

J15. Tammi, M., Arner, E., Britton, T., Andersson, B. (2002): A method to separate nearly identical repeats using Defined Nucleotide Positions, DNPs.  Bioinformatics, 18, 379-388. Pdf.

J14. Britton T. and O'Neill P.D. (2002): Statistical inference for stochastic epidemics in populations with random social structure. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 29, 375-390. Pdf.

J13. Ball, F. G., Britton, T. and O'Neill P. D. (2002): Empty confidence sets for epidemics, branching processes and Brownian motion. Biometrika, 89, 211-224. Pdf.

J12. Britton T. (2001): Epidemics in heterogeneous communities: estimation of R_0 and secure vaccination.  J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B, 63, 705-715. Pdf.

J11. Andersson H. and Britton T. (2000): Stochastic epidemics in dynamic populations: quasi-stationarity and extinction. , 41, 559-580. Pdf.

J10. Britton T. and Becker N. G. (2000): Estimating the immunity coverage required to prevent epidemics in a community of households. Biostatistics1, 389-402. Pdf.

J9. Becker N. G. and Britton T. (2001): Design Issues for Studies of Infectious Diseases. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 96, 41-66. Pdf.

J8. Britton, T. (1998): On critical vaccination coverage in multitype epidemics. J. Appl. Prob., 35, 1003-1006. Pdf.

J7. Becker N. G. and Britton T. (1999): Statistical studies of infectious disease incidence. (Invited paper for RSS Research Workshop on Stochastic Modelling and Statistical Data Analysis for Epidemics, held in April 97.)  J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B, 61, 287-307. Pdf.

J6. Britton T. (1998): Estimation in multitype epidemics. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B60, 663-679. Pdf.

J5. Andersson H. and Britton T. (1998): Heterogeneity in epidemic
models and its effect on the spread of infection. J. Appl. Prob.35, 651-661. Pdf.

J4. Britton T., (1997): A test of homogeneity versus a specified heterogeneity in an
epidemic model.  Mathematical Biosciences, 141, 79-100. Pdf.

J3. Britton T., (1997): A test to detect within-family infectivity when the whole epidemic process is observed.  Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 24, 315-330. Pdf.

J2. Britton T., (1997): Tests to detect clustering of infected individuals within families. Biometrics, 53, 98-109. Pdf.

J1. Britton T., (1997): Limit theorems and tests to detect within family clustering in epidemic models.  Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 26, 953-976.



S1. PATHd8 -- a program for phylogenetic dating of large trees without a molecular clock. (2006) By Britton, T.,
Anderson, C., Jacquet, D., Lundqvist, S. and Bremer K. Freely available at where also user manual and more is found.


PUBLISHED IN REFEREED PROCEEDINGS (in reverse chronological order)

P2. Britton T. (2001): A discussion on three papers relating deterministic versus stochastic modelling and analysis. (Invited discussant paper at the session ''Relation between biomathematical modelling and biostatistics''). Bulletin of International Statistical Institute, 53 rd Session proceedings, book 3, p 102-103. Seoul, Korea, August 2001.

P1. Britton, T. (1998):  Preventing epidemics in heterogeneous communities. Proceedings of XIXth International Biometric Conference, IBC98, invited papers, 109-115.


OTHER PUBLICATIONS (in reverse chronological order)

O26. Sjödin H, Rocklöv J and Britton T (2021). Evaluating and optimizing COVID-19 vaccination policies: a case study of Sweden. MedRxiv.

025. Britton T and Ball F (2020). Summer vacation and Covid-19: effects of metropolitan people going to summer provinces. MedRxiv.
O24. Britton, T. "15 minutes of fame" orsakade av covid-19. (2020). Qvintensen 20:2, s 17-19.

O23. Britton, T. (2020). Basic estimation-prediction techniques for Covid-19, and a prediction for Stockholm. MedRxiv.

O22. Britton, T. (2020). Basic prediction methodology for Covid-19: estimation and sensitivity considerations. MedRxiv.

O21. Britton, T. (2019). Låt inte förskolor stoppa ovaccinerade barn. DN Åsikt.

O20. Britton, T. (2019). Positivt att 40% av utländska doktorander stannar i Sverige. Universitetsläraren.

019. Wangombe A., Andersson M. and Britton T. (2010): A stage-structured stochastic epidemic model for tick-born diseases. Pdf.

O18. Wangombe A., Andersson M. and Britton T. (2010): A stochastic epidemic model for tick-born diseases:
initial stages of an outbreak and endemic levels. pdf

O17. Britton, T. (2010): Skattebetalarnas förening ljuger med statistik. (in Swedish). Word

O16. Britton, T. (2010): Smittsamma sjukdomars matematik
(in Swedish). Normat, 58:63-75. Pdf

O15. Britton, T. (2006): Att handleda afrikanska studenter. Qvartilen, 21:1, 18-19. (in Swedish).

O14. Britton, T. (2006): Book review: An introduction to continuous-time stochastic processes: theory, models and applications in finance biology and medicine. (2005) by V. Capasso and D. Bakstein.  Math. Biosci., 199, 234-235.

O13. Britton, T. (2003): Svårt att räkna till sex.  DN, Namn och Nytt, 2003-11-23. (in Swedish).

O12. Britton, T. (2003): Henrekson missbrukar statistiken. DN-debatt, 2003-03-11. (in Swedish).

O11. Britton, T. (2002): Book review: Biometrika: one hundred years. (2001) by D M Titterington and D R Cox (eds.)  Elementa, 85:3 (a swedish mathematics journal).

O10. Britton, T. (2002): Book review: Epidemic Modelling: an introduction. (1999) by D J Daley and J Gani. Statistics in Medicine, 21, 2773-2774.

O9. Britton T. (2000): The expected value of a simple birth and death process conditioned on the future.

O8. Laurent N., Swenson U., McLoughlin S, Britton T. and Bremer K. (1998): Vicariance or dispersal - pacific biogeography of four plant groups.

O7. Andersson H. and Britton T. (1997): Fade-outs for SIR epidemics with demography and generalized infectious period. UUDM Report 1997:28. Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University.

O6. Britton T., (1996): Epidemier, kontaktstrukturer och statistik (in swedish). Qvartilen 1996(2):8-9, (Official Bulletin of The Swedish Statistical Association).

O5. Britton, T., (1996): Epidemics with Heterogeneous Mixing: Stochastic Models and Statistical Tests. PhD-thesis, Stockholm University. Consisting of a summary and first four published papers.

O4. Britton T., (1992): Aktiv inlärning och kritiskt tänkande i matematik (in Swedish). In Högre lärande?' Report 1992:2, PU-rapport (Pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete, Stockholms Universitet).

O3. Britton T., (1992): The asymptotic distribution of a clustering index. Report No. 166. Institute of Actuarial Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Stockholm University.

O2. Britton T. and Sundberg R., (1990): Response surface methodology for computer experiments in radionuclide transportation studies. Technical report 90:14. Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (swedish: SKI, Statens Kärnkrafts-Inspektion). Revised and extended version of previous reference.

O1. Britton T., (1990): Response surface methodology for computer experiments in radionuclide transportation studies. Research report B:10 (Applied research). Institute of Actuarial Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Stockholm University. (Master Thesis)


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