Tom Britton
Professor in Mathematical Statistics (Holder of the Cramér chair)

Contact details

Telephone: +46 8 154534
Mobile: +46 70 6936314
Room: E1359, House 1, Albano


Espidam: European Summer Program in Infectious Disease Analysis and Modelling. June 24-28 (2024), Stockholm
(to be repeated)

Summer Institute of Statistics and Modeling of Infectious Diseases (SISMID), Emory University, US

A presentation on epidemic models (like covid-19)
A popular presentation on my research on effects of immunity on COVID-19
Material from a course on infectious disease modelling and analysis given at Stockholm University summer 2020. 7.5 ECTS, Basic undergraduate level.

Populärföredrag,   Debattartikel i SvD 11/3 2020,   Debattartikel i DN 10/8 2020,   Debattartikel i SvD 19/9 2021

Teaching 2024/25 school year

- Soft Skills for Mathematicians (PhD course), 5 ECTS
- Introductory Statistical analysis (bachelor level in Swedish) 7.5 ECTS. Autumn
- Mathematics and Statistics for infectious disease outbreaks (Master course) 7.5 ECTS
- Examiner for bachelor theses in Mathematical statistics, Autumn and Spring

Research interests

My research interests lie in applied probability models and statistical inference for such, in particular epidemic models, networks and applications towards genetics and molecular biology including phylogenetics.

Erdös number: 2

Our research group on Mathematical modelling of infectious diseases SU-InfDisMod-group

For further details on my research I refer to my list of publications and my short CV (or very long cv)

Academic editor for PLoS Comp Biol

Associate editor for Journal of Mathematical Biology

Associate editor for JRSS A (Statistics in Society)

I am currently a board member of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB)

I am chairman of the Stockholm Mathematics Center (SMC)

Current financial support

Swedish Research Council (main call in Mathematical sciences): 3.6 MSek (PI, 2021-2024)

KA Wallenberg Foundation. 0.7 MSek (PI 2023-2025). Support for Guest professor (Gainpaolo Scalia Tomba)


Sven Erick Alm, Mikael Andersson, Håkan Andersson, Frank Ball, Niels Becker, Fanny Bergström, Jakob Björnberg, Erik Broman, Hilde K Brustad, Mia Deijfen, Jean-Stéphane Dhersin, Odo Diekmann, Mohamed El Khalifi, Martina Favero, Arnoldo Frigessi, Hans Garmo, Federica Giardina, Felix Gunther, Elizabeth Halloran, Disa Hansson, Hans Heesterbeek, Thomas House, Michael Höhle, Sebastian Höhna, Valerie Isham, David Jacquet, Svante Janson, David Juher, Eben Kenah, Sharon Kuhlman-Berenzon, Theodore Kypraios, Thomas Leitner, Lasse LeskeläKaYin Leung, David Lindenstrand, Martin Linder, Mathias Lindholm, Alun Lloyd, Ira Longini, Fabio LopesSamuel Lundqvist, Owen Lyne, Ingrid Lönnstedt, Jens Malmros, Anders Martin-Löf, Naoki Masuda, Laura Matrajt, Denis Mollison, Peter Neal, Andreas Nordvall Lagerås, Lorenzo Pellis, Philip O'Neill, Desiré Ouedraogo, Etienne Pardoux, Steven Riley, Ethan Romero-Severson, Joan Saldana, Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba, Nyimvua Shaban, David Sirl, Kristoffer Spricer, Tanya Stadler, Theresa StocksBodil Svennblad, Åke Svensson, Viet Chi Tran, Ali Traoré, Pieter Trapman, Tatyana Turova, Jacco Wallinga, Anne Wangombe, Yang Yang, Dongni Zhang, Yun Jun Zhang.

Other scientists (a selection)
Jan Albert, Björn Andersson, Cajsa Anderson, Erik Arner,  Peter Arner, Kåre Bremer, Per Ericson, Per Erixon, Jonas Frisén, J.P. Huelsenbeck, Fredrik Liljeros, Xin Lu, Monica Nordvik, Bengt Oxelman, Fredrik Ronquist, Bengt Sennblad, Martti Tammi, Anna Thorson, Annika Vinnersten, Paul Westermark.


Current PhD supervision
Fanny Bergström, accepted 2020

Current Post Doc mentorship
Martina Favero, 2024-

Completed PhD students (main supervisor)

1. Ingrid Lönnstedt, Uppsala University: Licentiate 2003, PhD  September 2005.
2. Bodil Svennblad, Uppsala University: Licentiate 2005, PhD March 2008.
3. Shaban Nyimvua Mbare, Stockholm U and University of Dar Es Salam, licentiate 2007 (SU), PhD 2008 (UDES)
4. Mathias Lindholm, Stockholm U, licentiate 2007, PhD 2008
5. David Lindenstrand, Stockholm U, accepted 2007. PhD 2012
6. Sebastian Höhna, Stockholm U, accepted 2009, PhD 2013
7. Ali Traoré, Université d'Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. PhD 2016. (Joint main supervisor)
8. Jens Malmros, Stockholm U, accepted 2010, PhD 2016
9. Desiré Ouedraogo, Université d'Ouagadougou, PhD 2017. (Joint main supervisor)
10. Kristoffer Spricer, Stockholm U, accepted 2012. PhD 2018.
11. Theresa Stocks, Stockholm U, accepted 2014, PhD 2018
12. Disa Hansson, Stockholm U, accepted 2013, PhD 2019
13. Dongni Zhang, Stockholm U, accepted 2019, PhD 2024

Anne Wangombe, Stockholm U and University of Nairobi, accepted 2005, licentiate 2009. Finished

Completed Post Doc mentorship:
Pieter Trapman, 2010-2011
Federica Giardina, 2014-2017
KaYin Leung, 2016-2018
Yun Jun Zhang, 2017-2018
Tony Johansson, 2019-2021
Martina Favero, 2021
Felix Gunther, 2021-2023
Mohamed El Khalifi, 2022-2023

PATHd8: a program for phylogenetic dating

This is based on two papers that appeared in: Molecular phylogenetics and evolution (2002) 24, 58-65. Systematic Biology (2007) 56, 741-752. More information about it is found on the PATHd8 web page.


Title: PhD, Docent and professor in Mathematical statistics (PhD: 1996: Stockholm University. Docent: 1999, Uppsala University. Promoted professor 2003, Stockholm University, chair professor 2009, Stockholm University)

Position: Professor in Mathematical Statistics at the Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University.

Here you find my short CV and list of publications.

This page was last updated September 16, 2024