Current students:
Former students:
- Eleftherios Theodosiadis, PhD awarded 07 June 2024.
Thesis: Geometry of multi-slit Loewner chains and semigroups of finite shift.
- Explicit multi-slit Loewner flows and their geometry, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, to appear.
- (with K. Zarvalis) Geometric description of some Loewner chains with infinitely many slits, J. Geom. Anal. 34 (2024), Paper 271.
- (with M. Kourou and K. Zarvalis) Rates of convergence for holomorphic semigroups of finite shift, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 541 (2025), Paper 128737.
- Miscellaneous examples of Loewner chains, preprint, March 2024.
- Linus Lidman Bergqvist, PhD awarded 15 September 2023.
Thesis: Holomorphic functions in polydiscs and measures on the distinguished boundary.
- A note on cyclic polynomials in polydiscs, Anal. Math. Phys. 8 (2018), 197-211.
- Rational inner functions and their Dirichlet type norms, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 23 (2023), 563-587.
- Alternative proofs of Mandrekar's theorem, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 10 (2023), 46-55.
- (with J.T. Anderson, K. Bickel, J.A. Cima, and A. Sola) Clark measures for rational inner functions II, Ark. Mat. 62 (2024), 331-368.
- Necessary conditions on the support of RP-measures, J. Math. Anal. Appl 540 (2024), Paper No. 128633.
- Nell P. Jacobsson, Master's degree awarded August 2023.
Thesis: Clark measures of bivariate inner functions.
- Clark measures on polydiscs associated to product functions and multiplicative embeddings, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 18 (2024), Paper No. 101.