Born in Stockholm 30 Sept. 1942.
Home address: Nämndemansbacken 105, SE-128 38 Skarpnäck (a Stockholm suburb)
Married to Margareta S, prof. emerita of inorganic chemistry, SU. Two sons and 3 grandchildren.
Education and employments
Basic academic exam (fil kand) 1964, Stockholm University (SU);
Ph.D. 1972 in mathematical statistics at SU, thesis on ML theory for incomplete data from exponential families;
Employed as assistant teacher, statistical consultant, etc. at SU 1962-1972;
Senior lecturer / Associate professor at KTH or Stockholm University 1973-1992;
Promoted to title of 'Docent', KTH 1977;
Special NFR research position 'särskild forskartjänst' in Statistical Inference 1993-1998;
Support from NFR/Vetenskapsrådet for research (50%) 1999-2004;
Promoted to title of 'Biträdande professor', Stockholm University 1996;
Promoted to Professor of mathematical statistics, Stockholm University, 1 Jan. 1999
Retired, but reemployed part time from 1 Oct. 2009
Other merits
President Swedish Statistical Association 1979-81. Organized its Summer school 1981.
Director of the departmental consultancy group SFG (the Statistical Research Group) 1993-2000.
Elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) 1984. Also member of IMS, ASA, Bernoulli Society and permanent member of the Swedish Statistical Association (Statistikfrämjandet).
Associate editor for Scandinavian Journal of Statististics 1987-1994.
Editorial board member of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems since 1986.
Editorial board member of Journal of Chemometrics since 1991.
Organizer of ISI Meeting sessions 1985 on Calibration and 1987 on Chemometrics.
Member of the ISI Scientific Program Committee for the ISI Meeting in Helsinki August1999, and for the First Int. Symp. on Industrial Statistics, Linköping (same month).
Organized a one-week course in Multivariate analysis for graduate students, Stockholm 1999, financed by the Swedish Network in Appl. Math..
Elected opponent for a large number of doctoral dissertations in Scandinavia
Periods as visiting researcher in Aarhus, Liverpool and Perth (UWA).
Supervised eight students to doctor's or licentiate's degrees:
Lars Klingberg, Wincenty Wolk, Fredrik Granath, Anders Björkström, Marie Linder, Mårten Vågerö, Jelena Bojarova, Niklas Norén.
Referee for Research Council of Norway (Norges Forskningsråd) 20002008.
Referee for Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) 2001, 2002.
Referee for journals since 2000: Scand. J. Statist. (several times), J. Chemometrics (frequently), Chemometrics & Intell. Lab. Systems (frequently), J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B, Internat. Statist. Review, Communic. Statist. A & B, Statistical Papers, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., Environmetrics, The Analyst, Biostatistics, New J. Chemistry, Applied Spectroscopy, J. Multivar. Analysis, Archives of General Psychiatry, BMC Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics, Electronic J. of Statistics
Expert evaluation for position at Uppsala University 2004.
Expert evaluation for 'docent' title for Tatjana Pavlenko, Mittuniversitetet, 2005.
Expert evaluation for 'docent' title for Esbjörn Ohlsson, Stockholm University, 2006.
Expert evaluation for position as professor of statistics at Danish Technical University, København, 2009.
Expert evaluation for 'docent' title for C-F Burman at Chalmers Technical University, Göteborg, 2010.
Expert evaluation for 'docent' title for Arvid Sjölander at Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, 2013.
Expert evaluation for position as 'lektor' at Umeå University 20132014.
IMS committee for president and council nominations 2010
Award (with Marie Linder): Kowalski prize 2004 for best theoretical paper in Journal of Chemometrics 2002-2003.
Opponent and Examination committee tasks since 2001
Examination committee for Ph.D. (George Robertsson), Analyt. Chem., Sthlm Univ., 14 March 2001.
Opponent ('censor') on a dissertation for the doctor's degree (Henrik Öjelund) at the Danish Technical Univ., Lyngby, 28 September 2001.
Examination committee for Lic. (Hans Bärring), Analyt. Chem., Sthlm Univ., 29 Nov 2001.
Opponent on a dissertation for the doctor's degree (Veli-Matti Taavitsainen) at the Lappeenranta Techn. Univ., Finland, 8 December 2001.
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Jan-Olof Johansson), Mathem. statistics, University of Lund, 5 April 2002.
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Åsa Forsman), Statistics, Linköping University, 6 June 2002.
Examination committee for Lic. (Ralf Torgrip), Analyt. Chem., Sthlm Univ., 7 Nov 2002.
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Ralf Torgrip), Analyt. Chem., Sthlm Univ., 28 May 2003.
Examination committee for Dr. Tech. (Per Unneberg), Molecular Biotech., KTH, 8 Oct 2004.
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Magnus Åberg), Analyt. Chem., Sthlm Univ., 3 Dec 2004.
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Arief Gusnanto), Biostatistics, Karolinska Institute, 17 Dec. 2004.
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Ingrid Lönnstedt) Mathem. statistics, Uppsala Univ., 16 Sept. 2005
Examination committee for Dr. Tech. (John Gustafsson) Mathem. statistics, Chalmers/Göteb.Univ. 12 Jan. 2006
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Ing-Marie Olsson) Chemistry (chemometrics), Umeå Univ. 4 March 2006.
Examination committee for Lic. (Ragnar Stolt), Analyt. Chem., Sthlm Univ., 7 June 2006
Examination committee for Dr Med, halftime (Emilie Blomberg) Laboratory medicin, Karolinska Institute, Huddinge, 28 Nov. 2006
Examination committee for Dr. Tech. (Cecilia Laurell) Molecular Biotechnology, KTH. 22 Dec. 2006
Opponent on a thesis for Ph.D. (Olle Eriksson) Statistics, Linköping University, 16 March 2007
Examination committee for Dr Med half-time (Arvid Sjölander), MEB, Karolinska Institute 14 Sept. 2007.
Examination committee for Dr Med (Lovisa Lundholm) Biosciences & Nutrition, Karolinska, Huddinge, 7 Dec. 2007.
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Magnus Lindskog), Meteorology, Sthlm Univ., 17 Jan. 2008 (reserve)
Examination committee for Dr. Tech. (Magnus Åstrand) Mathem. statistics, Chalmers/Göteb.Univ. 14 Febr. 2008
Examination committee for Dr Med. (Chuen Seng Tan) MEB, Karolinska Institute, 5 Sept. 2008.
Opponent on a thesis for Ph.D. ((Johannes Forkman) Statistics, Sw. Univ. Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, 21 Nov. 2008
Examination committee for Dr Med. (Arvid Sjölander) MEB, Karolinska Institute, Febr. 2009.
Examination committee for Dr Tech. (Martin Ohlson) Mathem. statistics, Linköping University, 29 May 2009.
Examinator, licentiate thesis in mathem. statistics at Stockholm Univ. by Tom Andersson, Febr. 2010
Examination committee for Dr. Tech. (Alexandra Jauhiainen) Mathem. statistics, Chalmers/Göteb.Univ. 17 Sept. 2010
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Maria Grünewald) Mathem. statistics, Stockholm Univ. 4 Febr 2011
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Frank Eriksson ) Mathem. statistics, Chalmers/Göteb.Univ. 27 April 2012
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Erik Alm) Analytical chemistry, Stockholm Univ. 25 May 2012
Examination committee for Ph.D. (Magnus Röding) Mathem. statistics, Chalmers/Göteb.Univ. 7 June 2013
Invited contributions during recent years
Invited speaker on 'Multivariate calibration' at the 16th Nordic Conf. on Math. Statistics, Lahti, August 1996;
Invited talk on 'Statistics for chemists and chemistry for statisticians' at a conference in Lund, April 1997, on Mathematical statistics in education for science and technology;
Invited contrib. to a session on PLS in a Biometrics Workshop in Göteborg, April 1997;
Invited lecturer on regression methods in Swedish Statist. Assoc. Summer School for graduate students, Ultuna, June 1997
Invited talk 'Statistical regression in sensometrics' at 4th Sensometric Meeting, Copenhagen, August 1998.
Invited lectures 'Calibration and prediction aspects on pig grading', Lelystad May 2000.
Invited speaker for the 47th Annual Meeting of the German Region of the International Biometric Society, March 2001, talk entitled 'Aspects on multivariate calibration'.
Invited lectures on regression in a course on multivariate analysis at Luleå Techn Univ, the Skellefteå Division, 28 August 2001.
Invited speaker, 'Statistics in chemistry Chemometrics', for the Danish Society for Theoretical Statistics, Copenhagen, 27 September 2001.
Lecture on 'Multidimensional linear regression' at Linköping University, 11 October 2001
Invited speaker at workshop 'On high-dimensional data, p >> n, in mathematical statistics and biomedical applications', Lorentz Center, Leiden, 9-20 Sept. 2002.
Lectures at Dept of Statistics, Jahangirnagar University, and at Institute of Statistical Research and Training, Dhaka University, Bangladesh, January 2003.
Invited speaker, 'Ancillarity and conditional inference', 5th Stockholm-Uppsala Symposium, 4 June 2003.
Talk in the workshop Statistical Analysis of Gene expression data, Wye Conf. Centre, 11-14 July 2003.
Invited lecture at York University, 13 Nov. 2003.
Invited lecture at Swedish Statist. Assoc. Summer School for graduate students, Falun, June 2005.
Invited talk on "Real-time RTPCR" at workshop Statistical Methods in Gene and Protein Expression, Göteborg 9-12 May 2006
Organizer and speaker, session on Chemometrics, at Nordstat, Rebild Bakker, Denmark, June 2006
Invited talk on "Number of eels in Öresund reduced during bridge building period?", StoUpp Conference, Uppsala University, 4 June 2008
Invited talk on Likelihood multimodality, Workshop in Thorskog Castle, July-August 2008
Invited talk on A statistical framework for the use of paleo-climate observations in comparisons of climate simulation models, First RA5 workshop on ModelData Comparison, Bolin Centre, SU, 13 May 2013.
Invited talk on A statistical framework for comparison of climate simulation models with past climate observations, including a calibration problem; symposium HDIA 2013 (High-Dimensional Inference with Applications), to the honour of P.J. Brown, University of Kent, 2425 June 2013.
The present main research fields of interest of mine
Theory and applications of exponential families
Climate models and paleoclimate statistics
Chemometrics, in particular regression and multivariate calibration problems
Principles of statistical inference
Factor analysis
Molecular biology and biotechnology
and various other fields of application of statistics.
Courses given by me 2003-2013
Linear statistical models (partially, 2004 2013)
Statistical consulting methodology (2003, 2005, 2006, 2008 2012)
Statistical Models, Master/Ph.D level course (2008 2012)
Principles of statistical inference, based on book by David Cox (2006)
Statistics for microarrays (2005)
Statistical theory for exponential families (2004)
Biostatistics, for students of biomedicin, Karolinska Institute (2003)
Lipid lab project in Molecular medicine, KI (with Rachel Fisher, 2003 2009)
Previous Ph.D. students of mine
Fil Lic. Lars Klingberg
Date: 1987-12-02
Licentiate thesis: Some large sample properties of the Cox regression model: A two-state example.
Fil Lic. Wincenty Wolk
Date: 1988-11-21
Licentiate thesis: Approximation of stationary distributions in some fully stochastic models for malaria transmission
Fil Lic. Mårten Vågerö
Date: 2001-04-11
Licentiate thesis: Some properties of the ML-estimator in fixed up-and-down sequential designs
Discussant: Gunnar Englund, KTH
Ph.D. Fredrik Granath (Lic. exam 1991)
Date: 1998-05-25
Thesis: In vivo dose, dose-response and cancer risk assessment
Opponent: Michael Væth, Aarhus
Ph.D. Marie Linder (Licentiate exam 1998)
Date: 1999-01-15
Thesis: Bilinear and second order calibration
Opponent: Pieter Kroonenberg, Amsterdam
Ph.D. Niklas Norén (Licentiate exam 2005) co-advisor Ralph Edwards, UMC
Date: 2007-05-07
Thesis: Statistical methods for knowledge discovery in adverse drug reaction surveillance;
Opponent: Heikki Mannila, Helsinki
Ph.D. Anders Björkström (Licentiate exam 1998)
Date: 2007-09-28
Thesis: Regression methods in multidimensional prediction and estimation
Opponent: Philip J. Brown, Univ. of Kent, Canterbury
Fil Lic. Anna Stoltenberg
Date: 2009-09-23
Licentiate thesis: Statistical aspects on clinical trials with covariate adaptive randomisation and with ordinal response data.
Co-advisor Olivier Guilbaud, AstraZeneca
Opponent: Gunnar Englund, KTH
Ph.D. Jelena Bojarova (Licentiate exam 2004)
Date: 2010-06-04
Thesis: Toward sequential data assimilation for NWP models using Kalman filter tools.
Opponent: Krzysztof Podgorski, Lund University
Ph.D. students under my supervision 2013
Ph.D. student Ekaterina Fetisova (started 2012, with me as co-advisor):
(Paleo-climatological statistics)
Ph.D. student Hedvig Norlén (started Jan. 2005):
(Statistical approaches to microarray data, proteomics data and combination of data in assembly and in assessment of biological networks; co-advisor Joakim Lundeberg; Changed topic and location Oct. 2006 to High-troughput-screening of toxid substances, EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy; co-advisor Maurice Wheelan).
Exam projects under my supervision finished 2012-2013
Hilja Brorsson (2012): Statistisk analys av rekord i löpning (in Swedish)
Lovisa Berggren (2012): Study 33. Analysing a cross-over study.
Peter Ström (2013): Estimating individual peptide effects from grouped Elispot data
Last updated Dec 2013/Rolf S.