
Proceedings of the conference
Operator Theory, Analysis in Mathematical Physics - OTAMP2006

We are planning to publish proceedings of the conference in the series "Operator Theory: Advances and Applications", published by Birkhäuser Verlag. All contributions will be refereed by at least two referees. Only original articles containing new results will be accepted for publication. We are looking forward to publish original research articles as well as reviews. If you are planning to submit a review please contact the editors in advance.
All participants of the conference who wish to submit their contribution for publication should prepare the texts in LaTeX following the instructions

Instructions for authors

NB! Only contributions prepared following these instructions will be considered for publication.

The deadline for submission of contributions is February 1, 2007.

imp Please use Math Subject Classification scheme from 2000,
we have amended the birkart.cls file, so that it is now possible.

To submit your contribution please send PDF file (and only PDF file) of your contribution to P.Kurasov ( You may send a copy to any other editor if you have any preference. When the manuscript is accepted for publication (and only after the acceptance to minimize the number of files the Editorial board has to deal with and to avoid any possible mistake), please send the corresponding LaTeX source file with the final version of the manuscript to P.Kurasov (
In case you have any questions and/or remarks please inform all organizers by sending an e-mail message.

Prof. J. Janas

Inst. of Mathematics PAN
ul. Sw. Tomasza 30
31-027 Krakow
najanas at

Dr. P. Kurasov

Dept. of Mathematics
Lund Inst. of Technology
Box 118, 221 00 Lund
kurasov at

Prof. A. Laptev

Dept. of Mathematics
Royal Inst. of Technology
104 05 Stockholm
laptev at

Prof. S. Naboko

Dept. of Math. Physics
St.Petersburg Univ.
198904 St.Petersbrug
naboko at

Prof. G. Stolz

The Dept. of Mathematics
UAB, Birmingham
AL 35294-1170
stolz at