FAQ of the R-Package "RLadyBug"

LaMo: 21 Feb 2008.
[Q]: The package appears not to work, when I try e.g. demo(“csda-article”) I get an error message like:
R> Error in .jnew("sir/sim/SimSellke") :
R> Failed to create object of class `sir/sim/SimSellke'

[A]: In order for RLadyBug to work properly one needs read/write access rights to the current directory (getwd()). Furthermore, the R routines in many cases interface an underlying Java program, which only works with the help of the rJava package, which requires a working java virtual machine to work. To check if rJava is working properly try the following:

R> library("rJava")
R> .jinit()
R> f <- .jnew("java/awt/Frame","Hello")
R> .jcall(f,,"setVisible",TRUE)

A small window with the name "Hello" should appear. If these steps go
through then rJava is working and the problem is not in rJava.

[Q]: The program takes forever and I have no idea of why it is taking so long.

[A]: The underlying Java program writes a debug file ladybug.system.out into the current working directory (getwd()). There you also find a ladybug.system.err file, which contains any error messages, which are written to the screen after the program ends.

[Q]: So “asis” for the incubation time means "its already the correct value, no estimation is necessary"?

[A]: Yes, one states that the observed incubation time (the time between the E and I event) is the actual length of the incubation time. The other option would be to specify the incubation time to be a fixed constant, but in some cases one wants more flexibility as one fixed number does not work. If one knows that the incubation is subject to variations then it is necessary to specify an appropriate distribution.

[Q]: The mathematical developments on page 357 of the Höhle et al 2005 paper are rather complicated. Do you confirm that beta indeed follows a gamma distribution?

[A]: It is only the prior distribution of beta which is assumed to follow a gamma distribution - this is a typical approach in Bayesian inference for this topic (see e.g. the quoted O'Neill papers). The bigger the variance of the posterior the less information you put on beta a priori - i.e. the data are allowed to speak. The posterior distribution of beta can have a shape entirely different from a gamma distribution

[Q]: Why is a start value needed between parentheses, when values are unknown?

[A]: Because in the MCMC sampling scheme one has to begin with a valid configuration of the data, this means e.g. that there cannot come new exposed after the number of infectious dropped to zero, etc. Automatically finding such a configuration for a big set of missing data is not so easy, but checking if a configuration is valid is straightforward. Therefore I decided to leave this problem to the user - he/she has to pecify an appropriate start value.

[Q]: Fortunately, in human epidemiology, removal occurs once an individual is cured, in the vast majority of infections. Removal times are therefore rarely (if ever) recorded (but you are aware of this fact, owing to your interest in surveillance methods). But unfortunately, recovery times seem compulsory in RLadyBug. If so, it considerably narrows its scope in human epidemiology.

[A]: This is indeed a problem, which was not handled in previous version 0.4-2 of RLadyBug.
Starting from version 0.4-3 unknown recovery times are also allowed and are indicated by putting the recovery time in parenthesis, i.e. (start value). Furthermore, one has to indicate an end time T until which the epidemic was observed:

T 100
//x   y     E      I     R       D ignore
1    1    0    2    (18)    100

However, the software currently does not allow the recovery times to be censored, thus they are all forced to occur before T.