Current Teaching (Spring 2024)

MM5010 Analys, Del A (VTAB)

MM5011 Analys, Del B (VTCD)

MM7027 Dynamical systems and optimal control

Future Teaching (Fall 2024)

Previous Teaching

A full list of all the courses that I have taught (so far, as of Spring 2023, 73) can be found here.

During summer 2017, I taught the course Fourier and Wavelets Analysis, (@ University of Rwanda).  I keep here the access to the course-page (for registered students only).

During Summer 2018, I taught the PhD course Harmonic Analysis, @Makerere University (Uganda). I keep here the access to the course page is here (for registered students only). 

Bachelor Theses

You can write a Masters of a Bachelor thesis under my supervision in the field of analysis. For instance in diverse topics in Fourier and Functional analysis or differential equations. The subjects are chosen individually and tailored to personal interests. Contact me directly, with some time in advance (ideally the previous semester to the planned time), so we can meet and discuss potential projects.

Supervised Bachelor and Masters Theses

(OLD)Summaries of Students' teaching Assesments

Teacher Training and in-service Training

Pedagogical Works

Enabling a Mathematics-learner identity through team-based learning initiatives here

Some (personal) small group-based experiences teaching mathematics (Seminar presentation), slides

Samples of Teaching material (password required)

Teaching Awards

2015 Nominated for a Student Choice Award awarded by the Imperial College Union.

Teaching Philosophy