Spectral Theory
for quantum
7.5 univ. points
An advanced course for PhD
Lecturer: Pavel Kurasov
Spring semester 2016
First meeting: Thursday January 28, 10.15 in rum 31 building
5, Kräftriket, Stockholm University
Quantum graphs denote a wide class of models used to describe
systems where the dynamics is confined to a neighborhood of
graph-like structures. Such models have natural applications in
nanosystems, but related methods are useful in other fields such as
microwave networks, chemistry, and even medicine. This course will
give an introduction into the theory of quantum graphs considered as
ordinary differential equations on metric graphs. Their spectral and
scattering properties will be investigated. In particular we are
going to discuss how geometric properties of graphs are reflected by
the spectrum of the corresponding differential operators. The
corresponding inverse problems will be discussed in details.
Preliminary schedule
- Introduction to quantum graphs: definitions and elementary
- Matching and boundary conditions
- Spectral properties of compact graphs
- Isospectral graphs via symmetries
- Graphs with boundary: Titchmarsh-Weyl M-function
- Boundary control
- Inverse spectral and scattering problems for quantum
- Trace formula and spectrum
- Spectra and topology
- Inverse problems for graphs with cycles
Recommended literature
- P. Kurasov, Quantum graphs: spectral theory and inverse
problems (in Print)
- G. Berkolaiko and P. Kuchment, Introduction to Quantum
Graphs, AMS, 2013
- O.Post, Spectral analysis of graph-like spaces, Lecture Notes
in Mathematics 2039 (2012)
1) Introduction: definitions, elementary properties,
approximations (28/1)
- Quantum graph as a triple: metric graph, differential
operator, matching conditions
- Standard matching conditions (SMC)
- Elementary spectral properties: discrete spectrum for finite
graphs, Weyl asymptotic law
- Elementary examples
2) Vertex conditions: scattering matrix approach (4/2)
- Parameterization of matching conditions
- Star graph and vertex scattering matrix
- Matching conditions via the vertex scattering matrix
3) Vertex conditions II, Examples (11/2)
- Important classes of matching conditions
- Quadratic form parameterization of matching conditions
- Examples ...
4) Spectra of compact graphs (18/2)
- Transfer matrix and seqular equation
- Scattering approach
- M-function approach (Titchmarsh-Weyl functions for
Sturm-Liouville problems)
- Reduction for standard matching conditions
Problem list A - to be presented
on 25/2
5) Presentations A (25/2)
- Elementary examples: explicit calculations of their spectra
- Discrete and continuous graphs
6) Discrete graphs (3/3)
- Laplace operators for discrete graphs
- Normalized (averaging) Laplacian and quantum graphs
- Surgery of graphs: spectral gap
7) Trace formula (10/3)
- Proof of trace formula
- Euler charateristics for Laplacians
- Spectral asymptotics and Schrödinger operators
EXTRA: Conference Spectral Theory and Applications (13-15/3)
8) Surgery of quantum graphs (24/3)
- Uniformal estimates for the spectral gap
- Cutting and stretching edges
- Chopping vertices
Problem list B - to be presented on 31/3
9) Presentations B (31/3)
- Elementary examples: explicit calculations of spectra
- Discrete and continuous graphs
10) Reconstruction of graphs (7/4)
- Ambartzumian theorem for quantum graphs
- Graphs with rationally independent edges
11) Trace formula (15/4)
- Proof of trace formula
- Euler charateristics for Laplacians
- Spectral asymptotics and Schrödinger operators
12) Boundary control (21/4)
- Inverse problems for the one-dimensional Schroedinger operator
- Boundary control
- Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko approach
13) Inverse problems for quantum trees (28/4)
- Recovering potential
- Determining the metric graph
- Getting matching conditions
Problem list C - to be presented on 19/5
14) Inverse problems for graphs with cycles I (12/5)
- Inverse problem for the Sturm-Liouville operator on an
- Lasso graph with standard matching conditions
15) Inverse problems for graphs with cycles II ??
- Lasso graph with arbitrary matching conditions
- General graphs with one cycle
- Graphs with several cycles
16) Presentations C (19/5)
16) Graphs with boundary
- M-function for graphs
- Scattering on graphs
If you are interested in the course, please contact
Pavel Kurasov
(kurasov@math.su.se). The course schedule will be adjusted to
the wishes of the participants.