Albert B. Cook

Let’s look at how Albert relates to the population of children in Germany1 as implemented in the childsds R package2.


Albert’s height of 108 cm at age 4.0 years corresponds to the 81.5% quantile among boys in Germany of that age.


Albert’s weight of 19,100 g at age 4.0 years corresponds to the 82.6% quantile among boys in Germany of that age.


Albert’s bmi of 16.38 kg/m² at age 4.0 years corresponds to the 73.3% quantile among boys in Germany of that age.

  1. According to Kromeyer-Hauschild, K., Wabitsch, M., Kunze, D. et al. Perzentile für den Body-mass-Index für das Kindes- und Jugendalter unter Heranziehung verschiedener deutscher Stichproben. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 149, 807–818 (2001).↩︎

  2. Vogel M (2022). childsds: Data and Methods Around Reference Values in Pediatrics. R package version 0.8.0,↩︎